Thursday 13 March 2014

Poverty in Indonesia

Indonesia is classified as a third world country with many economic issues with poverty being one of the biggest issues. You will find a lot of people begging at the traffic lights when cars stop and along the streets of Jakarta you may find some shacks that people live in. Begging is illegal because it is suspected that someone controls all of them and hires uneducated people to beg on the streets for money. The current estimate on how many people are living in poverty is around 12-13% (32 million people) but in February 1999 over 47 million people (23% of the population). Most people in Indonesia live on 2 dollars a day and over 50% of people in Indonesia are farmers and they all depend on agriculture to make a living. Most of the poor (over 60% or 20 million people) live in villages and about 40% live in urban areas like Jakarta.

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