Thursday 13 March 2014

ndraising Project Plan

  Bali Street Kids Fundraising Project
Group members:

1.      Brainstorm a list of ideas on ways in which you could raise some money within the AIS community.

Fundraising Project Plan
Idea: Explain your idea
We will make a candy stall.

Market: Who is your target market? Why would they be interested?
We are targeting smaller children who will be interested in the candy.

Equipment: What equipment do you need?
We will need candy, scales, wrapping paper, bags, ribbons, price tags,

Resources: Are there any special resources needed? e.g ingredients
We will need candies from Australia.

Planning: Where, when, who, how? The details
We well will do it on Friday week 6

Responsibilities: Explain the roles and responsibilities of your group members
Dio= Research Liam= Resources JJ= Marketing Niki= Planning

Estimated cost per unit: Consider your costs
We think that the small packets we will lose about 5000RP, the medium packets we will lose about 10000RP and the large packets 15000RP

Sale price per unit: How much will your product sell for?
Small= 10000 Medium= 20000 Large= 30000

Target to be raised: How much do you expect to raise?
We expect to raise 1,150,000 RP

Problems: anticipate any problems and consider a plan B
If we fail to sell any candy we will discount them.

Complete the final plan on your laptops and add this to your Trash 2014 Blog

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