Thursday 13 March 2014

First Impressions

"Trash" a novel by Andy Mulligan is about the lives of three dump site boys who have to sift through trash to find things of interest to use of to sell. The main characters: Raphael Fernandez, Gardo, Rat (Jun-Jun). To Raphael Gardo is like a brother to him and they were only born a few hours apart (7 to be exact). Gardo is always telling Raphael what to do and how to do it and he is very serious about things. Raphael and Gardo are both 14 years old but Rat is 11 years old. Rat got his name from living in a hole full of rats in the Behala Dump site. Some even say that he lived with them for so long that he came to look like one. While i was reading the book they tend to lie quite a bit. Raphael lives with his aunt, Gardo with his Uncle and Rat lives in a hole full of rats. The Behala dump site is a fictional place set in the Philippines. In my opinion the book was below average and a 4 out of 10.

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